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As you might have seen on the top bar up there, there's a new page dedicated to bipartite graph theorems. Funnily enough, I actually understood only a fraction of it after I had solved the problem involving Konig's Theorem. Anyway, that's about the page. You can tinker around and see if there are any rooms for improvement.

Back to the topic, this post is mainly about a new chapter of my life, as my high school era is almost over. I think I'm less of a haughty person compared to my past, having changed a lot chiefly due to a shifted awareness of the world. As a matter of fact, it can be considered an analogous "overview effect" for me. Understanding that I'm not special makes me more confident about myself as insecurity breeds arrogance.


Okay, that's a big postscript. I forgot to talk about my journey with NixOS, which will be covered in the next post, so stay tuned ^_^ (for anyone who actually reads this blog).