Roblox Development + Netcode

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This post is a brief overview of my development process and the netcode I use in Roblox. Let's get started.

Development Process

Typescript is great for a type-safe and organized codebase. For Roblox, I use Roblox-TS, a Typescript-to-Luau transpiler. Via Rojo, I can sync the transpiled code to Roblox Studio. For version control, I use Git and GitHub. Additionally, to create beautiful and readable code, I use ESLint and Prettier that are run automatically every time I save a file.


I keep my project as raw as possible, so I only use a few libraries to aid my development process. Here are the libraries I use:


Matter is an ECS library. I am personally a big fan of ECS since my first encounter with it in Unity. Since it is based on immediate mode, codes are more readable and maintainable. For Roblox, among all the ECS libraries, Matter is the most well-maintained and feature-rich library. It is also guarded with immutability, which ensures no weird bugs due to mutation.


RbxNet is a simple networking library. While it is based on Roblox's RemoteEvent, it provides a more organized and type-safe way to handle networking. You can also combine UUID Obfuscation to slow down exploiters; nevertheless, it is not a silver bullet for all my networking needs.


Fusion provides a simple way to create semi-declarative UIs. I used to use Roact, but due to Roblox's imperative nature, I found Fusion to be more fitting for my needs. It is also more lightweight.


Inspired by the netcode in Overwatch, I've written a simple netcode based on the classic client-server model. Here's a brief overview of the netcode:


The client is predictive, meaning it predicts the future state of the game. It sends the input to the server and simulates the game based on the input immediately regardless of the server's response, which yields a temporary ephemeral state. When the server responds, the client corrects the game via something called ephemeral cleanup. This is done by a simple callback that is called when the server responds. This approach is better when the state cannot be numerically calculated, such as animations and physics.


The server is authoritative, meaning it has the final say in the game state. It receives the input from the client, validates it, and dispatches the command. It then sends a simple response to the client: success or failure. For syncing components and entities, the server has to process replicatable components and entities. This is done within a replication system that is called last in the game loop.

Action-based Framework

The netcode in this model is action-based, meaning the input is a simple action and is discrete. For example, in an FPS game, the input is a simple action such as "shoot" or "move". When a world (the upmost structure of ECS) reconciles an action, it is called a dispatch. If the changed components are replicatable, they are then sent to the client; conversely, on the client, reverse replication (sending input to the server) can only be called actively rather than passively, which means the code has to specify that it wants to send an action to the server.

The following is a simple example of networking:

server                      |
client  |
    EPH CLEANUP -> (debug) SEND TO LOG

This framework is not without any flaws. It is not suitable for values that are continuous. For example, in a racing game, the speed of the car is continuous and cannot be represented as a simple action. In this case, the netcode has to incorporate a different model, such as a state-based model, making it exponentially more complex. The additional ephemeral cleanup also adds more complexity to the codebase.


All the talks are abstract, so here are some examples.


Animations are considered performance-intense, which means that they need to have precision down to a single frame, or there would be visible artifacts. Solving this issue requires a view-model-hydration system. Only the view model is replicated. The hydration process only occurs in clients. A view model is a concept that requires much less information than the actual thing it tries to represent. When hydration commences, a view model is implemented as the actual thing.

In my system, CAnimationView is the view model of CAnimation. CAnimationView contains a list of animation names. Given that clients have already owned their own list of animations, CAnimation can be hydrated by using a LUT and loading animations into tracks.

During early development, I found it extremely frustrating to work with Roblox's implicit client-to-server animation replication process that didn't allow selective filtering. Fortunately, by implementing an observer system on the server, I could stop client-sided animations from getting sent to others. This took me longer than I had expected due to the poorly-documented API docs (e.g. names are not replicated but ids are, which isn't documented at all.)

To be added


Having read all this, you might be wondering if developing on Roblox requires all this complexity. The answer is no, but it is a nice foundation for a more intricate game. Roblox is a platform that is easy to get started with, but it is far from easy to create a stable and scalable architecture. I hope this post has given you a brief overview of my development process and the netcode I use in Roblox. If you have any questions, just drop by my Discord @algasami.